A batch file (.BAT) is a text file which may be executed, containing a list of commands to perform. Terminal application reads that scenario and executes programs and/or other command files consecutively. Batch files allow automating routine and frequently executable operations.
Read more information about batch files at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batch_file. Our tools can use standard .bat files created either automatically by our built-in scheduler or manually with any text editor.
Here is a batch file sample:
rem File:MSSQL2MySQLPro_Cons.exe
rem Session:New session [26.02.2013 15.16.29]
rem -------------------------------------------------------
"C:\Program Files\DBConvert\MSSQL2MySQLPro\MSSQL2MySQLPro_Cons.exe" /Session:"New session [26.02.2013 15.16.29]"
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